Sunday, May 13, 2012

This is Not About Aimee - It is About You & I

This whole discussion is not about the girl that we know through the media.

This discussion is about you and I.  This discussion is about how any of us could one day wake up in a hospital bed with no arms and no legs, just as a torso and head, all because of the choices of our next of kin.

That is scary.

I suspect the reason that this story has traveled across the country and the world is due to our ability to relate to  her situation.  Happy and healthy one day; waking up without limbs the next.

When I see her in the news, I see myself.  When they broadcast that she is going to lose her fingers and the remaining foot, I feel it happening to myself on some level.  And, I think- "Dad, no, don't do this. I don't want to live like this.  I would rather go out in a bang, then drag on my life in a less than full way."

Do you have a voice like that too?

The hard part is that there is no clear line.  And, in some ways, the father (my father) should be the last one to decide when to set her (me) free.

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